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자판기사업 준비

시간 : 2022-09-24 조회수 : 523

자판기사업 준비

파트 1

I너에게 are a brand company in retail industry,or a commodities wholesale/retailer,considering the location directly,and learn how to operation vending machines. 

As a new practitioner 없이 상품 채널,on the one hand,you need to learn the operation strategy,on the other hand,you need to find the partners of commodity channels.

The former,you need to consider which market you choose to enter,as a new entrant,we recommend that you start out with  상품 범주,a series of questions that you need to consider,food or non-food commodities? what kinds of food or non-food? how long you plan to operate? and 전에, 준비중 인 your backup plans.

The latter,you need to consider the payment and discount,then the considering of your medium term and long term commodities channels strategy. 

파트 2

A series of questions around location decision,the first,the considering of your medium term and long term location strategy. 

우리는 당신을 추천한다. 검사하다 사업 environment on the spot before the beginning of business,especially the location decision is a 야외 scenes.We need to know the situation of the ground, rain protection, power supply,and other security conditions.

또한,when refer to the negotiation of location rental cost. We suggest that if there is no certainty of absolute profitability, you can consider the rental payment method of the vending machine revenue share.

파트 3

The choice of the machine model,based on the decision of business model that you made,if operating independently and want to buy a machine. 다음을 선택하는 것이 좋습니다. top vending manufacturer to buy the vending machine.Welcome to visit 아펜 상담을 위해,our 품종이거 고품질의 machine models and professional supporting services  help your vending machine business.

파트 4

The business licenses 필요할 수 있습니다 in many countries/regions,you should learn more about it before the beginning.

파트 5

To preview the 조작 of vending machines,welcome to visit 아펜 for consultation,and 방문을 환영합니다 우리의 공장,we can take you to practice various 기계 models and the 조작 of 관리 소프트웨어, We will also provide you video courses to l적립 전에, 기계 작동 체계적으로 에 모든면.


